REVIEW: The Usual Suspects

Fans Pick: The Usual Suspects

Synopsis: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist,” says con man Kint (Kevin Spacey), drawing a comparison to the most enigmatic criminal of all time, Keyser Soze. Kint attempts to convince the feds that the mythic crime lord not only exists, but is also responsible for drawing Kint and his four partners into a multi-million dollar heist that ended with an explosion in San Pedro Harbor – leaving few survivors.

The Usual Suspects hit theaters on August 15, 1995.

This movie is Rated R.

Now on with the reivew.

IMDB Rating: 8.5 / 10

Rotten Tomatoes: *CERTIFIED FRESH* 88% Tomatometer, 96% Audience Score

Justin’s Rating: Large Popcorn

Dave’s Rating: *MOP BUCKET*

Joe’s Rating: Overflowing Small*

While Dave and Justin agree that this movie deserves high ratings, Joe thinks it would require multiple views to deserve a higher rating. Stay tuned as the guys review The Disaster Artist.


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